Our approach to Responsible Investing

We're committed to investing your money responsibly.

We include Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, including climate risks in our investment process. We believe ESG risks and opportunities affect investments. Our policy helps us to determine what to invest in. You can read our latest Climate Statements here.

Watch Mike Taylor, CIO & Founder, explain how Pie approaches ESG considerations.

Our Governance for Responsible Investing

Our Governance for Responsible Investing

Our Responsible Investment Committee brings together people from across all Pie teams. The Committee oversees how ESG matters are identified, researched and monitored in the investment process, including consideration of companies we won’t invest in.

View Policy

Our Exclusions

We think it’s important to be transparent about what activities we don’t invest directly in, and why, so investors can decide whether our approach aligns with their values.

We do not invest directly in companies that are involved in the following activities (although some funds that we invest in may do so):

Tobacco Tobacco

Companies that manufacture tobacco.

Gambling Gambling

Companies that offer gambling, including online gambling.

Firearms Firearms

Companies that manufacture firearms.

Controversial Weapons Controversial Weapons

Companies that manufacture cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines, and companies that manufacture or test nuclear explosive devices.

Pornography Pornography

Companies that produce pornography, or generate more than 5% of annual revenue from distributing pornography.

New Zealand Illegal Drugs New Zealand Illegal Drugs

Companies cultivating, manufacturing or supplying cannabis plants or products for recreational use as their main business.

Coal Coal

Companies that generate more than 5% of annual revenues from the mining or production of coal.

Oil and gas Oil and gas

Companies whose principal business activity is the exploration, drilling, mining and production of oil and/or gas on land or offshore, where those companies do not have a clear sustainability framework identifying material risks and mitigating actions that support credible carbon emission reduction targets.

Animals for entertainment Animals for entertainment

Companies that generate more than 5% of annual revenues from animals for entertainment.

Whaling Whaling

Companies whose principal business activity is whaling.

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