Australasian Funds
Global Funds
Diversified and Fixed Income Funds
Growth 2
Dividend Growth
Emerging (Closed)
Global Growth
Global Growth 2
Growth UK & Europe
Fixed Income
Property & Infrastructure
Acceptable Forms of Identification
[Investment Form] Application Form - Trusts
[Investment Funds] Application Form - Companies
[Investment Funds] Application Form - Individuals
[Investment Funds] Direct Debit Form
[Investment Funds] New Fund Form
[Investment Funds] Switch Request Form
[Investment Funds] Transfer Request Form
[Investment Funds] Trust Account Payment Details
[Investment Funds] Withdrawal Request Form
[KiwiSaver] Deceased Member Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Direct Debit Amendment or Cancellation Form
[KiwiSaver] Direct Debit Authority Form
[KiwiSaver] First Home Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Permanent Emigration (not to Australia) Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Retirement Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Serious Illness Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Significant Financial Hardship Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Subsequent Retirement Withdrawal Form
[KiwiSaver] Transfer due to Permanent Emigration to Australia
Product Disclosure Statement (Chairman's Fund) [UT]
Product Disclosure Statement [UT]
Product Disclosure Statement [KiwiSaver]
Australasian Funds
Global Funds
Diversified and Fixed Income Funds
[Chairman's 2022] Quarter 1
[Chairman's 2022] Quarter 2
[Chairman's 2022] Quarter 3
[Chairman's 2022] Quarter 4
[Chairman's 2023] Quarter 1
[Chairman's 2023] Quarter 2
[Chairman's 2023] Quarter 3
[Chairman's 2023] Quarter 4
[Chairman's 2024] Quarter 1
[Chairman's 2024] Quarter 2
[Chairman's 2024] Quarter 3
[Chairman's 2024] Quarter 4
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 1
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 4
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 1
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 4
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 1
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 4
[Dividend 2022] Quarter 1
[Dividend 2022] Quarter 2
[Dividend 2022] Quarter 3
[Dividend 2022] Quarter 4
[Dividend 2023] Quarter 1
[Dividend 2023] Quarter 2
[Dividend 2023] Quarter 3
[Dividend Growth 2023] Quarter 4
[Dividend Growth 2024] Quarter 1
[Dividend Growth 2024] Quarter 2
[Dividend Growth 2024] Quarter 3
[Dividend Growth 2024] Quarter 4
[Emerging 2022] Quarter 1
[Emerging 2022] Quarter 2
[Emerging 2022] Quarter 3
[Emerging 2022] Quarter 4
[Emerging 2023] Quarter 1
[Emerging 2023] Quarter 2
[Emerging 2023] Quarter 3
[Emerging 2023] Quarter 4
[Emerging 2024] Quarter 1
[Emerging 2024] Quarter 2
[Emerging 2024] Quarter 3
[Emerging 2024] Quarter 4
[Fixed Income 2023] Quarter 4
[Fixed Income 2024] Quarter 1
[Fixed Income 2024] Quarter 2
[Fixed Income 2024] Quarter 3
[Fixed Income 2024] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2 2022] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2 2022] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2 2022] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2 2022] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2 2023] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2 2023] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2 2023] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2 2023] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2 2024] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2 2024] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2 2024] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2 2024] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2022] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2022] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2022] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2022] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2023] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2023] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2023] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2023] Quarter 4
[Global Growth 2024] Quarter 1
[Global Growth 2024] Quarter 2
[Global Growth 2024] Quarter 3
[Global Growth 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth 2 2022] Quarter 1
[Growth 2 2022] Quarter 2
[Growth 2 2022] Quarter 3
[Growth 2 2022] Quarter 4
[Growth 2 2023] Quarter 1
[Growth 2 2023] Quarter 2
[Growth 2 2023] Quarter 3
[Growth 2 2023] Quarter 4
[Growth 2 2024] Quarter 1
[Growth 2 2024] Quarter 2
[Growth 2 2024] Quarter 3
[Growth 2 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth 2022] Quarter 1
[Growth 2022] Quarter 2
[Growth 2022] Quarter 3
[Growth 2022] Quarter 4
[Growth 2023] Quarter 1
[Growth 2023] Quarter 2
[Growth 2023] Quarter 3
[Growth 2023] Quarter 4
[Growth 2024] Quarter 1
[Growth 2024] Quarter 2
[Growth 2024] Quarter 3
[Growth 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth UK & Europe 2023] Quarter 4
[Growth UK & Europe 2024] Quarter 1
[Growth UK & Europe 2024] Quarter 2
[Growth UK & Europe 2024] Quarter 3
[Growth UK & Europe 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth UKE 2022] Quarter 1
[Growth UKE 2022] Quarter 2
[Growth UKE 2022] Quarter 3
[Growth UKE 2022] Quarter 4
[Growth UKE 2023] Quarter 1
[Growth UKE 2023] Quarter 2
[Growth UKE 2023] Quarter 3
[Property & Infrastructure 2023] Quarter 4
[Property & Infrastructure 2024] Quarter 1
[Property & Infrastructure 2024] Quarter 2
[Property & Infrastructure 2024] Quarter 3
[Property & Infrastructure 2024] Quarter 4
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 4
[Balanced 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth 2024] Quarter 4
[Growth 2024] Quarter 3
[Balanced 2024] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 3
[Balanced 2024] Quarter 2
[Growth 2024] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 2
[Balanced 2024] Quarter 1
[Growth 2024] Quarter 1
[Conservative 2024] Quarter 1
[Growth 2023] Quarter 4
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 4
[Balanced 2023] Quarter 4
[Growth 2023] Quarter 1
[Balanced 2023] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 3
[Balanced 2023] Quarter 2
[Balanced 2022] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 4
[Balanced 2022] Quarter 1
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 2
[Conservative 2023] Quarter 1
[Growth 2022] Quarter 4
[Balanced 2022] Quarter 4
[Growth 2023] Quarter 3
[Growth 2022] Quarter 1
[Growth 2022] Quarter 2
[Balanced 2023] Quarter 1
[Growth 2023] Quarter 2
[Balanced 2022] Quarter 2
[Growth 2022] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 3
[Conservative 2022] Quarter 1
Climate Statements 2024
Latest Pie Funds Scheme Annual Report
Latest Pie Funds Scheme Financial Statements for AGF, AGF2, ECF, DIV, CONS
Latest Pie Funds Scheme Financial Statements for Global, GG2, UKE, Chairman's, FI, PNI
Latest Pie KiwiSaver Scheme Annual Report
Latest Pie KiwiSaver Scheme Financial Statements
Other Material Information [KiwiSaver]
Other Material Information [UT]
Pie Funds Fact Sheet
Responsible Investment Policy
Scheme Governing Document (Amendment) [UT]
Scheme Governing Document [KiwiSaver]
Scheme Governing Document [UT]
Statement of Investment Policy and Objective (SIPO) [UT]
Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) [KiwiSaver]

Investor Updates

Our Investment Services

KS block

Whether you’re saving for your first home or your retirement nest-egg, the Pie KiwiSaver Scheme offers a range of actively managed funds to suit every investor.

Learn More
UT block

Pie offers a range of actively managed Australasian, Global and Diversified investment funds to suit different risk and return profiles.

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Wealth block

Pie Wealth is a personalised advice service, tailoring an investment portfolio to your lifestyle and requirements. This service is best suited to individuals, family trusts and entities with $1 million or more to invest.

Learn More